Ready POS – POS with Inventory Management System, HRM & Accounting | POS SAAS

Ready POS - POS with Inventory Management System, HRM & Accounting | POS SAAS by razinsoft on CodeCanyon. Browse The Demos Admin Panel ...

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Ready POS - POS with Inventory Management System

  • Cash Flow chart of the last 12 months.
  • Column chart of Sales, Purchases, and expenses of the current month.
  • Yearly bar Chart of Sales and Purchases.
  • Top 5 best-selling products monthly & yearly.
  • Overview of Sale, Purchase, Purchase Due, and Profit.
  • View Recent Transaction.
  • Product details with lots of customization options including uploading image.
  • Initial stock and automatic purchase.
  • Alert Quantity.
  • Add, edit, delete & view products and categories.
  • Import by product and category from CSV.
  • Print Barcodes.
Pos Screen (Click Here For Video Demo)
  • Category
  • Products
  • Order Discount
  • Shipping Cost
  • Open and Close Cash Register
  • Show Bill Screen to Customer
  • Filter products by category
Products (Click Here For Video Demo)
  • The standard system for adding products with code numbers and Service information.
  • Product Batches and Expiry Dates feature.
  • Product Variants with a combination of multiple variants.
  • Product Code and Type feature.
  • Barcode
  • Product Category
  • Product Tax and Tax method (Exclusive or Inclusive)
  • Product details with lots of customization options including uploading image
  • Initial stock and automatic purchase
  • Alert Quantity
  • Add, edit, delete & view products and categories
  • Import by product and category from CSV
  • Print Barcodes
Purchases (Click Here For Video Demo)
  • Add, edit, delete & view purchases.
  • Date-choosing option for previous purchases.
  • Set batches and expiry dates.
  • Set order discount.
  • Set order tax.
  • Set shipping cost
  • Attach document.
  • Multiple Payments for a specific purchase (add, edit, delete).
  • Add & view sales.
  • Set order discount.
  • Set order tax on both percentage and flat basis.
  • Set shipping cost.
  • Coupon code and discount.
  • Unit conversion between multiple product units
  • Multiple Payments for a specific sale (add, edit, delete).
  • Take payment with cash, cheque.
  • A4 and thermal invoice.
  • Add, edit, delete, deposit balance & view account holder details.
  • Add send money transfer, delete, and view money transfer.
  • View the balance sheet with name, account number, debit, credit, and balance.
  • User-oriented design.
  • Create customer.
  • Filter products by category.
  • Display of featured products.
  • Set order discount.
  • Set order tax on both percentage and flat basis
  • Coupon code and discount.
  • Add sale, payment & staff notes.
Stock Transfer
  • Transfer products between multiple warehouses.
  • Add, edit, delete & view transfers with status.
  • Add, edit, delete & view users, and assign roles.
  • Add, edit, delete & view customers.
  • Add, edit, delete & view suppliers.
  • Make a person both supplier and customer.
  • Summary Report of all transactions warehouse-wise.
  • Edit Logo, Site title.
  • Change POS settings.
  • Edit user profile, change password.
  • Create roles for users.
  • Add, edit, delete & view customer groups.
  • Add, edit, delete & view warehouses.
  • Add, edit, delete & view Tax rates.
  • Add, edit, delete & view brands
  • Add, edit, delete & view units
  • Add, edit, delete & view currencies
  • Add, edit, delete & view custom fields
  • Add, edit, delete & view discount plans and discounts
  • Role permission
  • General setting
V:0.0.23 03 July, 31 - Gross profit Report - Profit Report - Code issue fixing - Code optimize. - Loss ReportV:0.0.22 03 July, 24 - ReadyPOS bar code screen issue solved - Code issue fixing - Code optimize.V:0.0.21 29 June, 24 1. Update new features for report management - Product Stock Report - Product Purchase Report - Product Purchase Amount Report - Purchase Due Amount Report - Sale Return Product Report - Expense Category-wise Report - Warehouse-wise Expense Report - Full admin panel with dark and light mode - Code issue fixing - Code optimize.

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