FluxStore Delivery Boy – Flutter App for Woocommerce

FluxStore Delivery Boy is a Flutter application for your WooCommerce site (single vendor, multivendor Dokan or WCFM plugin). This Delivery Boy app can be standalone or combined with the FluxStore WooCommerce (single vendor) or FluxStore Multi Vendors app below:

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FluxStore Delivery Boy is a Flutter application for your WooCommerce site (single vendor, multivendor Dokan or WCFM plugin). This Delivery Boy app can be standalone or combined with the FluxStore WooCommerce (single vendor) or FluxStore Multi Vendors app below:Compatible with top e-commerce framework – WooCommerce (single vendor), Dokan, or WCFM plugin (WC Lovers). Also compatible with FluxStore WooCommerce and FluxStore Multi Vendors app.Instance Synchronization – from mobile to the server and vice versa, the data will be updated smoothly without waiting for time.Offline Images Caching – speed up the loading performance with caching image offline method.Easy Customization and While-labeling – support fully custom by getting the full source code package, free extra API.Manage Orders – Dashboard will show all orders for Delivery Person and most important details. Delivery Person can update the status of Orders, make a Call.Orders Notification – get notifications below:
  1. Notification on new assigned order.
  2. Notification when order is cancelled and refunded.
  3. Auto-refresh on receiving order notification.
Map Address – show direction to Store or Customer’s address using Google Map.Update Profile Information – update information of Delivery Person.Multi Languages, RTL – easy to add/edit/delete languages, switch or set the default language: English, Japanese, Chinese, Indonesian, Spanish, Arabic, Romanian, Turkish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Brazil, French, Thai, Russian, Poland, Serbian, Persian, Vietnamese, Hindi, Korean, Hungarian, Hebrew, Dutch, Polish, Ukrainian, Bengali, Kurdish, Swedish, Finland, Greek, Khmer, Marathi, Kannada, Czech, etc. (link)Social Login – easy to login (apple, facebook, google, email, SMS). (video)Auto-assign Delivery role – Auto-assign Delivery role when create a new account.Assign Delivery Boy – compatible with the Delivery boy Assignment from FluxStore Manager app.Delivery by Geo-location – Using Geo-location. If the Geo-location does not exist, use Shipping Location (WCFM).Offline Mode – Delivery Boy can switch to Offline Mode when he is busy. When he is available, he can come Online. (pluginvideo)Dark theme – support beautiful Dark theme.Combine source code – ability to merge 3 source codes to one app, such as {FluxStore MultiVendor, FluxStore Manager, FluxStore Delivery Boy} or {FluxStore WooCommerce, FluxStore Manager, FluxStore Delivery Boy}. (video)Account Deletion – following Apple’s new policy,the Settings screen shows Account Deletion to allow Customers removing accounts to protect their Data privacy. (video)GDPR Compliance – flexible to show Privacy Policy on the Sign Up screen, or First Open; enable Onboarding screen. (link)

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We install PHP Script and App uploading to google play store or Appstore

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